Jocelyn Osmond

Jocelyn Osmond’s last name might be the first thing people notice, but it won’t be the last. As host of a KSL teen talk show, Jocelyn energetically interviews guests who inspire and uplift teens. Jocelyn’s ambition and positivity are off the charts, but as a mental health advocate her focus is on helping all teens feel seen and heard. Her love of people and their stories are driving her career ambitions in broadcast journalism, and she’s already a decorated communicator with a first place win at Utah’s state speech and debate competition. Jocelyn was also named one of Utah’s “Fab 40” for being ahead of her time as a show host and thought leader. Her peers have dubbed her “most likely to be President of the United States,” and she believes true leaders know how to listen and serve, which is why she authored the book, “I Hear You.”